The Connected Senior Living Experience

An exceptional senior living experience is hard to deliver at scale – Aline makes it seamless.

Success in senior living management means growing occupancy, delivering outstanding resident experiences, excellent communication, and maintaining a consistent culture — all while striving toward optimization and operational efficiency.

And those with experience in senior living management know trying to deliver that kind of efficient, optimized community experience is practically impossible when using point solutions and spreadsheets.

Those tools served the industry up until this point — working well in isolation but always falling short when it comes to dealing with the interconnectedness of a senior living community. Siloed operations invariably lead to efficiency hard caps. Data that could make jobs easier, improve the resident experience, and reveal opportunities for improved performance is outdated and difficult to access.

And the industry’s gotten used to it over the years: a fragmented way of operating that routinely produces errors, misses opportunities for optimization, and often leads to a disjointed experience for residents, families, staff, administrators, and investors alike.

We know the pain of inefficient senior living operations because we’ve lived it. We know how those complexities become barriers. And we’ve come together to make something better.

Aline is the industry’s most powerful senior living operating system — the only truly comprehensive end-to-end solution for connecting and managing the complete resident lifecycle.

When your community is based on connected data that is contextual, non-linear, and accessible for collaboration at any time, some amazing things happen — things like…

Improved productivity and operational efficiency
The ability to deliver enhanced resident care and resident satisfaction
Lower operational costs and increased profitability
Actionable reporting
Real data-driven growth

Let us show you what we mean as we follow the end-to-end data journey of a new prospect as she moves into her new home at Bright Pines senior living community.

First Marketing Touchpoints & Sales Activity

Meet Jane Smith, an 82 year-old retiree who is beginning to have trouble living independently.

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Jane’s daughter just clicked on an ad for Bright Pines senior living community. She fills out a form and signs up to the Bright Pines newsletter  — created and distributed via the Aline marketing automation solution — where she hopes to get a feel for what the community is like.

Over the next few months, Jane’s daughter will read several targeted emails that speak to the hard decision they’re having to make — when and where Jane will live as she needs more assistance.

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Over at Bright Pines, Jane’s information from that first form is automatically captured in the Aline CRM to create Jane’s profile — along with any additional data gathered along the way.

When Jane’s daughter decides to call Bright Pines for more information, an Aline Contact Center rep — who has been specifically trained on Bright Pines sales process and approach  — is able to immediately provide her with answers to her questions and, based on Jane’s readiness, is able to prioritize outreach with the Bright Pines Sales team.

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Tim, one of the senior sales team members at Bright Pines, is able to tailor his conversations with Jane and her daughter, addressing their specific interests and concerns — he’s also able to answer questions about pricing, with current availability at his fingertips.

And when Tim’s out for a week, another team member is able to keep Jane’s outreach flowing seamlessly with easy access to all of her information. Throughout every interaction, all conversations and emails are automatically captured in the Aline CRM, creating a comprehensive record of engagement for all relevant parties to draw upon.

Care Plan, Billing and Move-in

Once Jane and her family have made the decision to move in, all of her data is automatically shared with the Bright Pines operations team. They prepare her chosen apartment and coordinate her move-in based on the feedback she’s shared with the Sales team.

Early on, the Bright Pines caregiving team assesses Jane to determine her care needs, preferences, and associated costs. The results are delivered automatically into a comprehensive care plan that the family reviews and signs. From there, task schedules are created in Aline Care based on  Jane’s needs and preferences.

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Billing for Bright Pines  is a breeze, seeing how Jane’s financial data, like her preferred payment method, frequency, and more are automatically available to the Billing team. They’re able to manage Jane’s billing and payments using Aline’s Leasing & Billing solution, which includes rate management tools and a centralized approval system for improved revenue oversight. And when a change is made to Jane’s care plan — or an ad hoc task is performed — that information is automatically shared with billing, so every cost is captured.

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From day one, Jane’s most important data is flowing exactly where it needs to within the Bright Pines organization. From the dining staff knowing Jane’s personal preferences, to the events team’s knowledge of her love for gardening, to the caregiving team understanding her daily care needs and personal preferences (she loves to wear lipstick every day), the interconnected access to Jane’s data is enabling a smooth, seamless high-quality experience for all involved.

For Bright Pines, it all means more efficient processes, seamless workflows, more operational consistency and ultimately, a happier Jane.

Day-to-Day Operations and Care

When it’s time to conduct tasks for Jane’s care and administer her medication, the Bright Pines resident care teams rely on the Aline mobile care app and eMAR solution. These solutions keep them on schedule and provide the required documentation automatically, so they have more time to spend with Jane and other residents. And when there’s a care team shift change, it’s a seamless handoff — everyone is immediately brought up to speed with the latest information at their fingertips.

Because it’s all supremely easy to use, the care team is consistently able to excel in their job and report on their activity. All of the crucial care processes at Bright Pines are standardized across every community in the company’s portfolio, so they can evaluate care acuity and delivery at the highest level.

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Meanwhile, Jane’s family can check on her activities, health, and overall wellbeing at any time  through Aline’s Engage app. They’re able to rest easy, knowing they’re in the loop, even if they live far away. From their mobile phones, they’re able to check out what events are available that week, the upcoming dining schedule and even Jane’s recorded vitals. They can also interact with the community’s care team through the platform, providing feedback, asking questions, or communicating with caregivers.

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Jane’s family members, along with the Billing and Accounting teams, are easily able to keep track of Jane’s expenses and payments. Statements, bills and payments can easily be tracked and submitted online.

And if in the future, Jane needs additional care, her healthcare can be informed by the data that’s been collected and updated in Aline. This includes medications, therapy schedules, and healthcare provider details — which all of the relevant staff can access and update.

The Bigger Picture View

All throughout Jane’s journey, Aline Insights gives Bright Pines’s executives and owners a better view of activity at the community and portolio level.

Their C-suite, owners and investors can get a full, transparent picture of operational activity — from a portfolio level/regional level view, all the way down to a community and resident level view. Information can be sorted and filtered into exective dashboards making it easy to see what’s working and where there are opportunities for development or change.

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With Aline, for the first time, they’re able to keep their hand on the pulse of what’s happening in real-time, instead of constantly relying on backwards-facing data

That level of transparency and granular management lets them align and orchestrate operations within their communities to deliver what is an unparalleled resident experience and unlock entirely new levels of efficiency and performance.

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What’s more, they’re able to report and analyze different strata of community data. They can track and measure performance across various functions, identifying areas for improvement and informing strategic decisions. That level of visibility also offers up valuable opportunities for training and operational development.

The Aline senior living software suite offers communities like Bright Pines an interconnected, data-driven ecosystem that enables superior operational performance and a personalized resident experience at scale.

Want to see how it looks in action? Let us show you with a personalized demo!

See Aline in Action

Whether you manage one community or hundreds, Aline transforms senior living management with user-friendly solutions that improve efficiency, provide operational clarity, and improve the senior living experience for everyone.

Book a personalized demo and see why leading senior living communities  rely on Aline.

2024 Aline Benchmark Report: Your Blueprint for Growth
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