Essential Insights for Leveraging Senior Living Benchmarks

Maximize your sales and marketing performance with these key takeaways.

How to Apply Benchmarks to Your Business

The 2023 Aline Sales and Marketing Benchmark Report is full of data-driven insights and industry KPIs to guide your sales and marketing planning. But how do you put these insights into action? Erin Hayes, president of Aline, breaks down what these takeaways mean and how you can apply this data to your own senior living business.

🕔 8:12   |    👤  Erin Hayes, President   |  ⭐  Aline

Benchmark Insights in the Real World

Learn from one of senior living’s most respected leaders. Jayne Sallerson, president and COO of Senior Charter Living, sat down with us for an exclusive interview to share how she uses Aline’s Benchmark Report data to optimize her community’s sales cycles and strategies to increase residents’ length of stay for more sustainable revenue growth.

🕔 21:31   |    👤  Jayne Sallerson, President & COO   |  ⭐  Senior Charter Living

Deeper Data for Better Outcomes

Based on data across 309,000 units from leading operators, the Aline Benchmark Report brings you the industry’s most comprehensive guide to building a high-performing sales and marketing team. With smarter goal setting and more effective strategic planning, senior living operators can use this intelligence to ultimately stand out in a competitive market, grow their occupancy rates, and drive greater profitability.

Sales & Marketing Benchmark Highlight Reels

In these four videos, Erin breaks down the Aline Benchmark Report’s key takeaways into bite-size reels to help you understand how to use this data in your CRM, interpret conversion rates, set the correct market goals, and improve speed-to-lead.

CRM — More Than a Task Manager

🕔 2:59   |    👤  Erin Hayes, President   |  ⭐  Aline

Conversions Only Tell Part of the Story

🕔 1:54   |    👤  Erin Hayes, President   |  ⭐  Aline

Differentiate Your Markets

Urban vs. Rural
🕔 1:57   |    👤  Erin Hayes, President   |  ⭐  Aline

Leverage a Contact Center for More Leads

🕔 2:07   |    👤  Erin Hayes, President   |  ⭐  Aline

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Get Your Copy of the Reports

2023 Aline Benchmark Report

For a deeper look into current senior living sales and marketing stats, download the 2023 Aline Sales and Marketing Benchmark Report today. Get the intelligence you need to build a thriving senior living business.

The front page of the Aline sales and marketing benchmark report with text to the side describing the report.

Stay Informed With New Insights 

To help you continue optimizing your sales and marketing performance, we will offer you updated insights throughout the year. Discover the latest senior living trends in our Aline Benchmark Report Q1 2024 and check back for more data each quarter.  

Aline announces product name changes for its suite of senior living software solutions to simplify the user experience.
Check out the “What’s In A Name” blog article to learn the new names of your favorite product.